Success Story: Katie Johnson
Jason Burgoon will change your life if you let him. Here is how he changed mine. I was at the end of my first year of law school and had stopped doing the things I loved and had given up on fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I kept telling myself I would change tomorrow, I would start “dieting” tomorrow, or I would go to the gym tomorrow. Never did I follow through and as a result my motivation and energy drastically declined and my self confidence was dwindling. Then a friend introduced me to Jason. Within the first few weeks my energy levels were increasing, and as I trained more frequently my motivation to restore my “pre-law school” healthy habits reemerged. I was feeling like myself again. My clothes went from being too small, to being too big. The best part, my husband looked at me in a new way! Not only was I looking better and receiving complements, my attitude changed and I carried myself with more pride. With Jason’s help I was able to re-store my self confidence and self esteem which is critical to being successful in the legal profession. I went from being nervous and passive during oral arguments and mock trials to being in control, persuasive, and confident.
Here is the truth about Jason. He works you hard, he pushes you and he teaches you to push yourself harder than you ever have. Jason won’t make you do a “standard gym workout.” That’s not his style. Instead you will do things that you never imagined were exercises, like swinging sludge hammers, rolling tires, or my personal favorite—pvc pipes filled with water! Every workout is different and custom to you. Here is the catch, it is not easy, but with Jason’s constant encouragement to reach the goals you have set you begin to accomplish things you never thought you could. He will not let you fail!
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