Success Stories: Katie Hale
The picture to the right was taken in February 2012, just two weeks before I found out I was pregnant. At the time, I had been training with Jason for almost two years. The picture to the left was taken just two days before my beautiful daughter was born in December 2012. My pregnancy was very easy; I was able to run a 10 mile race in September with no issues. I continued to train with Jason through the week of my due date. I went in to the hospital on December 7th, and was only in labor for eight hours. After one push my daughter had arrived.
The doctor who delivered my baby told me that my delivery was so quick because my body was trained for it. Jason was very knowledgeable about what activities I could and could not do during each week of my pregnancy.
He adapted the workouts each time to ensure my safety and the baby’s safety. I wore a heart rate monitor to make sure my body wasn’t working too hard. Whenever it went over 160 he had me stop and do things that would still work my arms but bring my heart rate down. I would HIGHLY recommend training through your pregnancy.
This last picture was taken about three weeks after my daughter was born. I gained 35 pounds during my pregnancy and by the time my daughter was a week old I had already lost 25 pounds (without working out).