Success Story: Soleil Bornstein
Soleil started training with Jason in his Northeast Minneapolis gym. She now trains with him virtually from school on the East Coast.
Before I started training with Jason, I had gained 40 pounds in nearly two years.
I took a leave of absence from school and came home to Minnesota. I tried kicking myself back into shape, and went through three different gyms before I became a regular with Jason. I hesitantly came to my first session and got my ass handed to me -- I was sore for days, even though I was already training elsewhere several times a week. Nonetheless, I was hooked. I started coming in two or three times a week, meeting new people, getting fit, and losing weight-- but not to the degree that I wanted. Jason and I agreed that I would start coming in five days a week: one hour of training, one hour of cardio, and put me on a strict diet regimen.
Soleil Before
I began to feel and see a change in myself that I liked. My body actually craved exercise, rather than being stagnant. I could see the shape of my body changing, clothes started to fit differently, and I was feeling good about myself. I lost 10 pounds that month, and as I leave to return to school, I’m determined to keep that number going up, and my weight going down.
For me, it’s not only about looking good, it’s about feeling good, too. I feel proud of myself for the commitment I’ve made, and taking care of my body and mind.
Jason has become a rock for me, and has changed my perspective of exercise. It is now something that I enjoy and want to do with my friends. It can be fun, sweaty, messy, embarrassing, liberating, surprising, and most certainly an accomplishment. Jason is truly a personal trainer, because he really gets to know all of his clients. There is no judgment, shame, or any negativity in the gym when training. Just sweat, tears, and dedication.
Since I have moved (not just out of state, but across the country) from my beloved gym and trainer, I have been going strong with my lifestyle change, and I couldn't be happier.
I have learned so much about myself since I dove into this 100% with Jason. I am eating, working, thinking, feeling, and LIVING clean. I have learned to deal with my stressors positively, surround myself with positive and motivated people, and take time to actually take care of myself-- something I have been known to omit. I no longer loathe standing on the scale, either. I have learned to use it as a tool to track my progress and understand my body: I am not a slave to that digital screen. As a result, I have lost 20lbs in just under two months. But it's so much more than that; I'm happier, I have more energy, I'm stronger, faster, have better endurance, and I'm proud of myself. That's the best feeling I could ask for.
Soleil after-1
I keep in touch and consult with Jason on a regular basis to make sure I'm on track with training, receive new routines, get my questions answered, and even just to say hi. Jason is still very much a part of my life, even though he isn't standing there next to me as I lunge myself up hill intervals on the treadmill, or seeing the sweat drip off my face, or watching me write down my nightly weigh-in.
I won't lie to you: it's NOT easy. I wake up every day, get ready, walk a mile to my gym, and get to sweatin'. Believe me, I get defeated, tired, think to myself. "no one will know I didn't do the WHOLE routine." But over time, I have come to the realization that I'm not doing this for anyone else. I am cheating myself if I don't do that last quarter mile, or eat that slice of pizza my roommate offered me, or participate in the beer pong tournament. Working with Jason has taught me how to push through those tough moments and believe in myself. It's not over when I'm tired, it's over when I'm done. I have come too far, and have too much further to go to give up now.
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