Success Story: Laurie Falz
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Somewhere around April/May of 2011, I woke up and discovered the following things: a) I was 45 years old b) I could see 190 pounds from where I lay sprawled on the couch c) If my life depended on me running around the block I was as good as dead. I am so fortunate to have a friend (Hi Jill!) who was both sympathetic about the weight – she had had a little one about a year earlier – and was sick of listening to me complain about my lack of fitness and how I could not bear to buy the next size up (16s). So we decided to do something about it together. We gave up our lunch hour and just ate at our desks. We joined a gym and discovered that the whole personal training thing was really our key to success. We were fortunate to find the amazing Jason; and like so many others when they shut the doors at the icky gym we used to belong to we followed him to Bodies By Burgoon.
Laurie Falz
So this picture is the culmination of just over a year of hard work and laughs and aches and giggles and effort and an ocean of sweat. This was taken at the first annual Dirty Girl 5K Mud run obstacle course on August 4, 2012. I was terrified before the race. You name a fear – yeah I had it! What if I could not finish? What if the obstacles were too hard? What if I had to pee? What if everyone stared and wondered what I was doing there? What of my shoe came off in a mud pit?
This picture is me standing next to the cargo net – the second to the last obstacle on the course cheering my head off for Jill. From there we ran to the One Ugly Mudder hill decent, and from there we ran side by side to the finish line. The second we crossed I wanted to run it again! I felt so strong. It was like being given wings. The obstacles were, dare I say, easy!! Heck, I flip freaking 200-plus pound tires on a Tuesday just because Jason tells me to. I own a pair of boxing gloves that are all nice and broken in...and I am the one who broke ‘em in! I have lunged and planked and flapped those freakin ropes.
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Finally, last September at the Renaissance Festival – I go with my sister-in-law (Heidi) every year – I wore this vest for the FIRST time (I bought it a decade ago!). I felt pretty good, but the Ren Fest is not about my looks or my body, it is about time spent with someone I love. So imagine my surprise when Heidi says she HAS to take my picture. Whatever, I am thinking, take the pic and lets go! And then I see it. I see that woman in the picture with her toned arms and strong legs, her jawline sharp and defined. And then I think about all the sweat and yes the pain; I remember the swearing and the laughing and the friend that I have made. I think about the time and dedication and I SMILE!!! Like the sun coming over the horizon suddenly I am laughing with delight at the realization of how far I have come and it hits me that I am not done yet and I am HAPPY about that!!!
So here I am: a) I am 46 years old, b) I can see 140 pounds from where I am kneeling down to tighten the laces on my running shoes c) If my life depends on me running around the block? I will see you all tomorrow!
So there you have it. My story so far. I am looking forward to my next race, my next challenge and yes, my next workout!
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